5th "Supply" Company, 32nd Vastadtian Fusilleers "Emperors Own".
Squad Eklan- Company command squad
2 meltaguns
1 laspistol and CCW
Major Eklan (company commander)- Plasma pistol
Mounted in Chimera
Blue Platoon
1 flamer
3 Grenade launchers
Lt. Hindt- laspistol+CCW
Mounted in Chimera
Blue 1- Infantry Squad- Flamer (in Vendetta)
Blue 2- Infantry Squad- Flamer (in Chimera)
Squad McPherson- Veteran squad
3 meltaguns
(in Chimera)
Squad Loklan -Veteran squad
3 meltaguns
(in Chimera)
Penal detatchment 009
Penal squad- (in Vendetta)
Eagle 1 (codename- 'Ave a Go Annie)- Vendetta
Eagle 2 (codename- Big Bang Betty)- Vendetta
Battle Pskyers Squad- Authorised under Overseer Doksain
6 Battle Pyskers (in Chimera)
AA Battery 1- 1st Gun- Righteous Vengeance (Hydra Flak Tank)
AA Battery 1- 2nd Gun- Furious Anger (Hydra Flak Tank)
Vastadtian Special Rocket Detachment- Manticore Missile Launcher
As you can see, I have decided to include a squad of penal troopers. Whilst not a great tournament choice, I feel they would be great fun and will provide a nice bit of colour for the force, as I intend to paint them in orange prison outfits.
I wanted the squad to look like they had been taken from the stockade, given a lasgun and pushed forward (I love the picture of them beside their entry on the codex).
I was considering the Idea of them being from RIP (retraining, Induction, Punishment) detail (see Gaunts Ghosts- Armour of contempt). I may still introduce this later on, but for now they are straight up bone fide criminals!
Heres a few quick snaps of the conversions so far. Still two team members to go.
The Brave Custodian- With shaeffers head and the forgeworld officer body he is drawing his pistol to threaten the no good scum bags to serve the Emperor..or Else.
My personal favourite. I converted this guy to represent the knife fighters special rule. I think he looks quite psychotic enough to be in the penal squad.
The old boys of the squad, i wanted these guys to look a bit worn. I have used the odd zombie head and even an empire free company head.
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