Converters block

Well the gun shields on the hydra has been my main focus this week. I really had been struggling with what exactly to do with them. I built some chairs for the gun crew, but they had proven that the platform was too small. My friend michael suggested to add an extra rail along the top in order to give the crew a way to haul themselves in and out, aswell as extending the gun platform out the back, slightly more narrow to allow the gunshield to remain the same.

 So I made a quick mock up out of scrap plasticard and it looked quite good. After a little bit of modification and the addition of a raised area, I eventually created the fighting platform that you can see in the pics, which for now is only blu-tacked into position.

I then added the rail, which was made from a straight length of wire, similar, but slightly thicker than the inside of your average paper clip. I dont know the exact name for this, but I did buy it in a hobby store. It has a plastic coating, but this made it too thick and when the pliers dug in to the coating it lead to an uneven finish, so I just removed this.

I plan on getting the hydras finished by the end of the week, as I am keen to get cracking on the vendetta and company command squad. I will be painting the interior of the gunshield before gluing all the parts together.

Thats all for now. Really looking forward to building the rest of the crew on these.


  1. I found your blog URL on a forum, and I am really happy that I did. Your guard look fantastic! I hope you stay motivated, since I love seeing your conversions.

  2. Really Glad you like the blog. I checked out your blog, the krootox and kroot rider is awesome. Its one of my favourite non guard models, and yours is painted to perfection. Gritty and real, but stil beautiful and smooth paintjob!


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