Back with a Bang! Astra Militarum Demolition Special weapons

It has been a while since my last update. As always when real life moves fast, blog updates tend to move slow. I have got a full time position in the college I have been teaching in, so I have been able to get onto the housing ladder, agreeing a sale on a house, with a decent garage (AKA Gaming Man Cave!)

Hobby wise I have been tying up loose ends more than anything. I recently traded some Space Marine Centurions I had won for a squadron of three unwanted Valkyries, so I was able to crank up the airbrush and repaint them to match my Vendetta squadron. I also managed to finish off the Vengeance weapons batteries and Icarus lascannon that have been on my painting desk for quite a while. Pics to follow in future posts!

I have also finished off my second infantry platoon for 5th Company. I painted up a few special weapons squads, one with sniper rifles and another with demolition charges. I really like how cheap you can get a squad of 6 Imperial Guardsmen with 3 sniper rifles. They are a great little objective secured unit, that is cheap and disposable, perfect to leave on an objective.

I used a mix of sniper models. Scope from The Last Chancers, a Catachan sniper and the new (well, to me anyway) plastic sniper from the cadian command sprue. The rest of the squad I used some plastic scout heads and heavy weapons sprue accessories to complete the spotter type look. 

The demo squad is very expensive points wise, very suicidal, but a whole heap of fun! I usually take one from this squad and mix it with a flamer Special weapons squad for a bit of added punch. 
 As Always for this company, I used a mix of cadian and catachan parts to give the squad an ad-hoc feel.
 These Demolition charge toting guardsmen are one of my favourite IG models of all time. So glad to finally have them in my force.
 As I didn't have a third demo charge model, I simply converted on out of a few bits of tubing and the forgeworld grenade crate carrying arm. The rest of the model uses parts from the cadian command sprue.

I wanted the rest of the squad to look quite dynamic, again mixing in parts from both Cadian and Catachan sprues.

Thats all for now. I have a small stock pile of hobby projects to present here, so more to follow soon!


  1. Good to see more on here, congratulations on the job and house (with all important garage) !

    And they look good too !


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