Painted forgeworld valkyrie/vendetta

I have taken some time off the blog over the last few weeks. I had to go home to ireland for ten days and it was jades birthday so spent some time this week with her and her family. While I was at home I grabbed a couple of snaps of my vendetta which was made using some plastic cadian lacannon heavy weapons and a severly banged up forgeworld resin valkyrie I have had for years.

When I had painted it up i had toyed with the idea of a black hawk down style force, although without using black as the main scheme for the vehicles. This lead me to installing two master snipers instead of heavy bolter door gunners. Its still an idea I might like to come back to, but for now I'll just post up some pics and leave it to rest a little while longer.

I will post up a simple tutorial about the vendetta gun conversions soon as they are quite simple.

Still working on the knights at the moment. Just finishing the horses, so wil post some pics of these up soon.


  1. very nice mate I like that colour scheme what did you use? I also like the snipers makes a diffrence.

  2. I definitely need to see more of these on the tabletop

  3. The snipers are excellent; well done! This will make for a very stbtle and striking conversion that most will miss on the first glance, well done!

  4. Very nice, I like the two tone color choices. The snipers are very nice and remind me of the command Valkyrie datasheet that was out some time back.

  5. Glad you like it guys. I used cathan brown and then highlighted the lighter camo pattern with dineb stone. The bottom is done with shadow grey brought up to astronominican grey. I remember the command valkyrie, does anyone know which issue of white dwarf it was in?

  6. If I remember rightly it was when the new codex was released, or the one after when they did the Apoc thing for the new guard. Can't tell you what issue untill I get home tonight.

  7. I like the tan colors for the vehicle as well. It's not often you see them painted this way. Most of the time it's grey or green.

    Ron, From the Warp

  8. Nice and inspiring work! The command valk with twin snipers (Colonel Paseski's Steel Eagle) was in WD 354 June 2009.

  9. cool. Thanks Mans. Might try and ebay this issue.

  10. Again awesome! What models did you use for the snipers?

    1. Thanks. The snipers were converted from the infantry command squad sprue, the space marine sniper scouts boxed set and some standard Cadian parts. The heads are space marine scouts the torso and legs are modified Cadians. One of the sniper rifles is a catachan command squad sniper rifle and the other is a space marine scout rifle.


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