Contact Lost_ Astra Militarum Vs Nurgle Chaos Space Marines

So My eternal table-top nemesis Tom (unite all action) O'Reilly has been working away on a brand new Nurgle Army for 40k. My Guardsmen Rode out to meet this fresh enemy head one:
A Veteran defends the Astropath against the Chaos Mauler-fiend beast.


It had been 3 and a half hours since the forward patrol of PDF troopers had checked in. It was still a long way to Dawn and the LT was getting restless. This was his mission and he wasn't about to let some local amateurs spoil his first chance of command. 

For the last 2 months, forward operating bases had been going quiet. A stench filled the unusually warm sticky air. Even the Orks, who had been fighting this war for years seemed to have battened down the hatches, there hadn't been an Imperial/ Green skin engagement in weeks. 

Still the LT was restless... eager for glory... He thumbed the power toggle on his plasma pistol, and in the glowing blue light, ordered his column advance.


Slowly the bodies writhed, ripping out of uniforms, distorting body armour and weapons, as a grotesque shape formed from the broken flesh and sinew. Pustules and boils popped, releasing plagues of flies, buzzing around the pools of putrefying blood.

The Sorcerer bowed deeply as the reincarnated being spread its wings. If his Gaping Maw had allowed it he would have smiled. He had achieved a complete summoning of a Plague Prince.

"My Lord, Welcome to our Realm once more!"


This was to be a 1500 pt Battle using the Maelstrom mission Contact lost. We added an extra central objective to add a bit of narrative, this was a comm station containing the last transmission attempts from the unfortunate PDF patrol.

I decided to take a mobile force, with a few units that I always enjoy playing with. First up was a 5 man unit of Bullgryns with a priest and Commissar for support. Then I took a platoon with a mix of special weapons squads. One with 3 demo charges (mad but fun), one with grenade launchers, and one with Sniper rifles (great as a cheap, backfield objective holding unit). I took two company command squads, one was equipped with two meltas, and were mounted in a chimera, the other was equipped with 4 plasmaguns and mounted in a chimera.  2 chimera mounted Vets squads with meltas and a Platoon command squad with  flamers and a chimera rounded out my list. Although I had little in the way of heavy Armour or support units, I felt like I would really enjoy the redeployment capability this force had with so many transports.

I was facing a pretty excellent Daemon Prince of Nurgle- A level three psyker no less and with wings, this made him a huge threat. Two Mauler-fiends and a Helldrake seemed like tough nuts to crack, aswell as a 5 strong spawn squad and a Chaos lord on bike, tooled up with some Crimson slaughter gear.

I won the roll off for first deployment.

 The Battlefield before both forces enter.
 The Guardsmen take up position, putting a large portion of their force on the hill to the left, with a smaller flanking force on the right flank. The Troop trucks with the veterans positioned in the centre of the lines to push forward for the all important transmission decoder.

The forces of Papa Nurgle mass on the left flank, looking to engage with the Imperial forces swiftly.

I decided to go first. Tom failed his Seize roll. Night fight would be in effect during game turn one. And so battle commenced...


As the Imperial line cautiously moved forward the darkness seemed to thicken. Major Eklan, 5ht company commander had insisted on tagging along to this fight. He allowed the LT to remain in mission command, but he was wary of his impetuous nature. 

The LT had however shown sound tactical reasoning, allowing the troops to take the high groun and sending mounted and scouting units up the left flank as screening. Eklan took his veterans and command squad up the centre. 

The sickly stench got thicker, more nausiating. A buzzing seemed to fill the air. The Major radioed the LT to advise an all stop. To his relief the LT relented. The darkness in front seemed to be taking form, shaping itself to reveal the true horrors that it was. Major Eklan keyed his vox from his position in the Armoured cars Hatch. "Eklan to mission commander, awaiting orders".

The LT nodded to his command squad further down the troop bay of the truck. "Mission command to all units, weapons live. 


They could see the running lights of the foolish Imperials before them. With the slithering creatures surrounding him, Lord Karth'ull powered forward. His Master had granted them a great honour, a Prince of Nurgle strode in their midst. They would devour the false Emperors' Lackeys this day...


 The bullgryns push forward with the LT and his command squad. 
 The infantry hold fast on the hill as they score the first kill of the day, an enemy Rhino transport.

 The Cultists hold the treeline on the right flank. ready to spring toward the central objective.

The Bullgryns get hit with enfeeble as the spawn close in.

 The Bullgryns get charged by the spawn and the chaos lord, who make a massive 9 inch charge.
 The LT attempts to destroy the Daemon prince with a volley of massed plasma, but with Iron arm and his invulnerable save, they cause only a single wound.
 The Infantry on the hill move in to assist their stricken Abhuman comrades. With the priests shouting righteous fury, the spawn and chaos lord and sorcerer are locked in combat throughout the game.
 The swirling me-lee takes almost 4 turns to resolve, with the daemon prince charging on turn 2. The Black mace wreaks havoc, but the imperials hang on to the bitter end.
 The Veterans support the Special weapons squads pushing for the centre. A badly placed Demo charge kills two of the Grenediers holding the central objective. Combined bolter fire from the chaos marines swiftly dispatches the remainder.

 As the Veterans attempt to gather the information from the communications array, the cultists seize their opportunity to advance.
The Preist is finally crushed by the chaos Lord, despite wounding him and holding him in combat for a further turn. Rosarius rock!

 The remaining Mauler-fiend lopes off to hold the objective on the left flank, as the Daemon Prince and Lord Karth'ull finally dispatch the last of the Platoon. 

The Helldrake arrives late, but quickly dispatches the demolitions special weapons team, and attacks and immobilizes Major Eklan's Chimera. 

And so the battle ended in a draw. 4 victory points a piece. A really enjoyable game, can't wait for a re-fight.


Major Eklan gathered his remaining troops and pulled them back to the nearby crossroads. They had managed to recover some of the data from the comms decoder, however, that was somewhat academic now. It was clear that the PDF units were no more. It also was clear that the forward operating bases had suffered from either death or had been taken over to Chaos.

The LT had died facing down the huge beasts. What a waste Eklan thought. He would remember to add the names of those lost to the regimental honour roll. they had all fought with distinction.

It was now Major Eklans' mission to relay this information to Imperial High command. He hoped what evidence he had was enough.


Lord Karth'ull kicked the body of the Priest and allowed his teeth to show in a fanged grimace that may once have been a smile. A good day, many souls taken. his own losses mattered not, Papa Nurgle would honour them all. 

Some of the Imperial fools had escaped. He would kill them later...


  1. Nice report & two very nice armies as well.

  2. Excellent ! And a not too bad result too. If only the Lt had been luckier with the Plasma pistol early on...

  3. love the conversion work on both armies. nice table with lovely terrain as well.

  4. Great report, love the photos.
    How did the bullgryns fare?

  5. The bullgryns did ok, they certainly lasted a good few turns, however the daemon Prince with black mace did a good job at chewing through them. I have used the bullgryns in a fair few battles and I really enjoy them. they are great when given either a FNP save or an invulnerable (or both).


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