AJ back on the Internets

As you may have noticed I had disappeared into the ether for a long time, since moving house I have been without internet, and unfortunately blogging at work is frowned upon...

.. but finally the lovely man from British Telecom came round and sorted it right out! I'm Back on the WWW!

Lots has been happening since my last post, some exciting hobby stuff and even more not so exciting hobby stuff. Suffice to say I will concentrate on the hobby. :)

A great base from Team Belgium- Snapped at the Six Nations in Belfast!

Firstly, Northern Ireland held this years Six Nations 40k Team Tournament, with England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, The forgotten Legion (the welsh couldn't make it) and Belgium (Not technically British, but they are nice guys who have a healthy appreciation for beer!).

I was supposed to be helping out both days, acting as a roving reporter, however on day 1 a Northern Irish team member dropped out. This meant I had to bravely (and rather naively) step into his place. I managed to achieve one whole point out of a possible sixty, and luckily I was able to leave the gaming behind on day two and claim my place as roving reporter.

Here are a few pics I managed to snap along the way...

What a painful army. This was the last army I faced and boy did I feel it. Nice army and even nicer opponent.

Some cool Eldar objective markers and Aegis. Some nice inspiration from team NI.

 The First Army I faced... Daemons....Flesh hounds...tabled...enough said. Beautifully painted army though!

 Probably the most popular model all weekend. This was my fav- an iron warriors Hell Drake.

Scotland V Belgium- the match up decisions were very tense and one of my favourite parts of the weekend.

All in all the 6 Nations had been a great weekend, and I met lots of very good guys! I also gained my first cap for Team Northern Ireland. A proud position despite my terrible score.

A couple of weekends later I managed to do a good bit better, massaging my ego somewhat at the North Down Wargaming Centres first 40k tournament. Joint 7th out of 18 was at least respectable. My aim for the future tournaments is finishing top 5, something that has yet eluded me.

Modelling wise I also have achieved very little, work unfortunately has taken over a large portion of my time, although I am fighting to squeeze more hobby time in, starting with a little blog post.

Its nice to be back, and I hope to show off some painted miniatures very soon as well as continue my strata-gems series! Thanks for sticking around. :)
