My new toys.

Well, Ive been wanting for ages to get a casting kit. I finally got my head around the processes for model casting, so I spent a while searching for the right products. Turns out the perfect product is manufactured only half an hour from my parents house in Northern Ireland. Typical. :-)

Anyway above is just a pic of what I recieved. I quess theres enough for me to have a few practise attempts, but not make too much of a mess.

Another project I must mention. Ive taken on my first scratch building commission. Heres what Ive got so far. The theme was a early rolls royce halftrack, for use with a pretorian army. Im pleased with the basic shape, so just gotta get on with the detailing and final bits of fabrication.

So current projects Im hoping to complete are:
  • Pretorian Troop Truck (above)
  • Hydra Flak Trucks
  • 5th Company command squad
  • Knights of the Realm
  • 40th Corps Advisors
So until these are sorted, I refuse to start anything else. So time to get things rounded off.
