Lasgun Conversions- Part 1

The ubiquitous lasgun, the most recognisable and standard weapon of the imperial guard. Yet, produced on a million different worlds, its not as standard as you may think.

This is the first in a series of tutorials, aimed at creating unique looking lasguns, how to produce the different variants (e.g. hot shot las, long las) and add accessories like grip handle or under slung launchers. Later in the series we will even look into how to create special weapons like meltas or plasmas from the humble lasgun.

First up, I thought I would show you my Vastadtian pattern heavy lasrifle. These weapons are used on my storm troopers as hotshot lasguns. For this conversion you will require one Cadian lasgun, one standard  space marine boltgun, some plastic rod and a little bit of plasticard, probably about a millimetre thick.

So we begin with the Cadian Lasrifle...
All the areas marked red need to be removed. The sight comes off with a little trimming and filing and the magazine comes off with a simple snip of the clippers. The underside of the lasrifle needs to be smoothed to as flat a surface as you can, in order to ensure a smooth join with the grip.

You should end up with something like this...

You may find it a little easier to clean the lasgun with the barrel sliced off neatly like I have done above.

Next up the boltgun...

This time all the areas marked in red are the areas we want to keep. to do this, first take off the magazine.

Then slice off the barrel and bayonet lug to create a flat front. Its then just a matter of cutting the rest of the magazine port off and carefully removing the grip from the main weapon case...

Remove the raised areas to the back of the grip, and trim the grip down to fit the lasgun...

Then simply glue all the parts together...

At this point you may wish to greenstuff little bits here and there to smooth it all together, however I generally dont bother as I like the modular look of the weapon. Now its just a matter of adding the handle to the top, and a small piece of rod below the barrel.
At this point you may wish to greenstuff little bits here and there to smooth it all together, however I generally dont bother as I like the modular look of the weapon. Now its just a matter of adding the handle to the top, and a small piece of rod below the barrel.

Now its just a matter of getting it on a miniature. As you can see, the process can work even when using the lasguns with the arms already attached. Just make sure that you replace the hand that usually holds the grip.

I would love to see any conversions others have made for their lasguns. I think it is a great way of personalising your troops.

Next time I will have a tutorial for creating scopes...


  1. I like the look of those mate, nice work

  2. Glad you like it. Will be adding the next instalment in a day or two!

  3. I really didn't know that much work went into them they look awesome.

  4. Those look good, they remind me of the rogue trader days and the auxillary grenade launchers.



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